Previous Virtual Breakfast Briefing: Enterprise Network Design for the Cloud Revolution

We are very much looking forward to seeing you at TNC’s Breakfast Briefing, hosted by CEO, John Waterhouse, CTO, Craig Northveth. This virtual, live-only event is taking place on Thursday 12th May at 8.30am – 10am.

As more and more organisations look to home all their enterprise applications in the cloud, we are beginning to see enterprise architects think differently about their network and security architectures. They are looking to deliver secure application access and service performance to internal and external consumers, all while delivering greater cost-efficiency.

During this briefing session we will discuss the following pertinent topics:

  • Challenges facing network architects and engineers navigating the move to cloud computing
  • The network impact of cloudification
  • Enhancing the user experience through good practice network design

As always, we welcome your experiences and we’re looking forward to a lively discussion and the opportunity to catch up.

Event Details:

When: 8.30 – 10am on Thursday 12th May 2022
Where: Secure Zoom Meeting
Topic: Enterprise Network Design for the Cloud Revolution

To book your place at this Virtual Event please email

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Insight, blogs and white papers

Podcast: How To Manage Network Transformation And Optimise Your Business Case

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